being yourself is the prettiest thing a person could be, believes yourself

Dec 31, 2015

my 2015

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Finally 2015 has come to the end. my 2015 is the best year ever out of the past 17 years that I've gone through. everything is just so good. more then half of my wishlist is done. being surrounded with such a supportive family, great friends and all of the positive vibes from everyone. alhamdulillah. alhamdulillah. alhamdulillah. 

What is that so good about your 2015?

let me told you, in 2015 I've finished my school! tak tak bukan itu yang seronok, habis spm tu yang best tu. like finally, spm is the officially the end, the biggest examination out of 11 years sekolah tu. takkan, takkan la tak seronok? walaupun susah I've done my best. I'm striving for straight A. In sya allah, doa-doakan lah? terima kasih hihi
Next is I finally got my confidence and no more insecure, insecure is okay, nothing wrong with it but i tend to over-insecure about myself back then. so yah and also i'm an average and more to stupid kind of student in school before this, suddenly miracle happens i'm not stupid anymore. ok that's a lie, I work so hard for myself, I study hard no more last minute revision no more playing in the class sort of things like that. I achieved what I want in studies. As I told before, I'm more to stupid then clever even though I'm an average student. Did you get what I'm trying to say? So yes, what I achieved is not that excellent but so much better then before. Conclusion I'm proud of myself. bukan riak gais, just telling what I thought of myself. cewah gituu. My point for others is out of so many things in the world just put a little trust in yourself, believes yourself. But jangan over confident pula, lek-lek je ok. In my point of view, I would like to thanks everyone else that always believes me and help me a lot especially my dear friends, u know who u are. the one who always come and said "aku tau kau boleh" "tak payah takut" "everything's going to be alright" "prove them wrong" "kau mesti boleh" "kuat la sikit una" "jangan lembik" flashback everything thank you so much, u gurls is my backbone. I had my girls behind my back, through ups and downs for the whole year. I would seriously take a bullet for them. Every single one of them had different personality and different reasons for me to adore them, I'm telling the fact but somehow rasa geli pulak hahahahahaha how can I not love 2015 when I had them in my 2015 ndfknioevbfbrebuenmdkwoadmsndfindsmjdasl they are so important for me, as important as my family.

Family? they're perfect. I don't even know how to describe. Papa, mama, adik-adik, everyone in my fam is just so supportive,thanks? hehehe and and and going to Japan for the homestay program is also something that makes my year so fun, host family, cute twins, new friends, travel to Japan without family, meeting new people is dope okay. I couldn't ask more and guess what my 2015 is amazing. 
Knowing that 2015 is my last year of school is kinda sad a liltle bit. 

Ups and down is a must,
I choose to look at the positive side
instead of negative
2015 will be missed!!

Dec 28, 2015

little reminder


a tiny little bit of reminder;
Allah swt is the best planner,
but if you failed to plan,
you're actually planning to fail.
holds onto this quote and insyaallah you will succeed in life.
good luck to you

Oct 18, 2015


Assalamualaikum, hi, hello
What's up?

I'm here were super nervous. Takda sebab lain dah sebab spm. Tinggal berapa hari je lagi I'm so afraid. afraid tapi duk update blog??? Ye la afraid sampai at the point tak boleh nak study rasa gelabah uknow. Lepas ni spm, after a month exam I nak pergi Japan for exchange students program yayy!!!! Excited, can't wait. That would be a great ending for this year isn't? And I will make sure on march 2016 I won't regret. Yes, my spm result. Is it too much on targeting straight A? No isn't? I'm an average students in Hillcrest. I did a kind of great job on my trial. But my trial result doesn't reach my target except for additional mathematics which is just pass. My first time tho. Bcs addmath is just not being nice too me. I cry every each time my addmath result comes out (cry dalam hati) hahahahahaha I need at least A- but ugh idk if I can. I jealous dgn org yg addmath lagi tinggi dari other subject elektif like how did you do it??!??!?!??!!??? Hahahah back to where we are just now. Oh yes, my spm result and then officially done with high school. I'm gonna miss my friends, now that I realised I had a lots of friend that I don't want to be seperated. my diamonds especially. Diamonds are basically me and 10 other girls which is my fav girls ever. Hahahah we've been together mostly from form 1 so five years together and one of the girls is my bestbestbest friend. I share everything with her. Her family just like my family. Mak dia gais masak sedap masyaAllah nikmat. But mama masak ofc tak boleh lawan la. I love her, I love all of the diamonds nak cerita semua mmg Susan la 10 org tu hahahah and I hope we didn't loss contact girls! Some more I had my classmates, students of 5 Beta every each of them has their own charms that I won't forget. The people who share a lots of information regarding our studies. The one who thought me when I didn't understand some of the subject. Oh I'm gonna miss my class. The best class ever with a monitor that can't pronounce r (pelat r) yet he still wish selamat sejahtera instead of selamat pagi. Hahahah and our assistant monitor that such a happy go lucky person guys I love her when she laught everyone will started to laugh. My deskmate a friends from standard 5 and also one of the diamonds and one more my gossiping partner in the class and everywhere. Ao! Hahahah the one who smile without a reason. Not to forget my beta gegirls. I'll miss everything in the school. For sure. Yes I love my school my teachers my best friends my friendssss my achik canteen and everyoneeeeee

Every spm candidates, I know what u feel. Nak habis sekolah nak graduate Dari high school nak cecepat habis spm but believe school will be the greatest memory for us. Good luck rakan seperjuangan! Let's make batch 98' the best batch out of all. PMR and UPSR is our past. SPM determine our future.  Brighter spm result, brighter future. This is our life. Let's do this! Anyway, pray for me too

May 3, 2015


a story by you

{tak semua tahu cerita kita, yang tahu pun tak tahu sepenuhnya. siapa yang tahu? kau, aku dan allah. bila sayang tapi langsung tak berminat with each other, sayang tapi selalu tak bersependapat. gaduh, benci, maki, marah tapi sayang. sayang sangat. bila berpisah rindu. bila aku nak kau, kau tak nak aku. bila kau nak aku, aku tak nak kau. salah siapa? salah kita. masih muda. masih mentah. aku faham. kau faham. kau nak gembira, apatah lagi aku. allah maha adil. mungkin haritu hari kau, tengok hari ni hari aku. bulan lepas kau seronok dengan dia. bulan ni aku baru nak bahagia. betulkan apa orang kata, you'll get what you give. allah makbulkan doa aku kan? ;) and ya aku dah move on. bukan tipu. jujur. aku dah perlukan kau. aku tau kau boleh. aku kenal kau, lebih dari orang lain kenal kau. kita sama sama tau. kita masing masing setuju untuk berpisah. cara baik. kau dengan cara kau dan aku dengan cara aku. bukan mudah, berbulan tapi kini aku berjaya. aku tak dendam, cuma tolong. let me go my own way. I'm happy without you. It it's meant to be, it will be.}


pernah tak kau rasa sedih tapi tak tau kenapa
pernah tak rasa happy but entah kenapa
rasa nak nangis padahal benda silap sikit je
rasa nak gelak sampai pecah perut tapi benda tu tak lawak pun

rasa kosong sedangkan kau ada semuanya?


Feb 15, 2015

Orang yang Baru

Kan tiba suatu hari,
Hari yang paling membahagiakan,
Namun enkau tidak sedar.
Kemudian engkau jatuh,
Dan ketika itu baru kau menyesal
tidak menghargainya dulu.

Kan tiba suatu hari,
Engkau menangis tersungkur,
Seksaknya di dada,
Menyesali perbuatan dulu
yang sudah pun terjadi,
Tapi, tahukah kamu ini suatu ujian dariNya?

Kan tiba suatu hari,
Saat kau sedar,
Tidak salah untuk beredar,
Tidak salah untuk menangis,
Kerna janji yang maha Esa,
Apa yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya.

Dan hari demi hari,
Bukalah matmu,
Cekalkan hatimu,
Bangkitlah kamu,
Menjadi orang yang baru,
Menuju ke arah kebaikan.