being yourself is the prettiest thing a person could be, believes yourself

Jan 16, 2013


fuhh fuhh *tiup habuk* berhabuk sudah blogku ini
hello there, how are you? err this is weird hahahaha go to update more often so that I won't feel weird I think. Back to the tittle, ok PMR soooo

PMR 2013.
first thing on your mind is?
obviously last batch of PMR...............
being last batch ni macam later if dah tua kalau junior tanya pt3 dulu berapa but you macam eh tak I last batch PMR.. that time mesti cam pmr tu apa just like people ol' days ada srp?? u got me? yes no?
to all 98's, PMR candidates,
good luck guys!! 
let's make a history,
we can do it! 

pray 4 me hehehehehe

till we meet again!!