being yourself is the prettiest thing a person could be, believes yourself

Jan 25, 2017


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

so yeah, this is travelogue kinda post maybe? literally just me sharing stories about my trip around Perak or more specifically Ipoh, reviewing some of the places that I went with 3 of my besties, how much money that we spend and things like that(+ a LOT of our picture)

Its going to be a super long post so if you're ain't that reading type I suggest you should stop reading this now huhu

As we're all in Perak and we've been so closed since high school, we decided to hangout at least once in a semester.


21st August 2016

10.30am Our driver👧 from Sri Iskandar fetch me👸 at  Tronoh and then we took an hour drive to Tapah to fetch my other friend👩👰
Arrived at Tapah around 12pm

squad completed!

Since there's nothing much in Tapah we decided to go to Ipoh instead & our trip started. wi~~~

first destination: Burps & Giggles cafe

We took so much time deciding where to eat and we went to several places but most of them were not open yet. Most of the cafe start their business in the evening like 5pm something..
so we ended up to this cafe which is not that bad tho

pasta: creamy mushy goodness 19$, cheeky glory 19$
burger: sarang-hae 18$, poulet-chiken 19$
drinks: iced mocha 12$, iced cappuccino 12$, leced lemon tea 7$
we spend

💬 poulet-chiken is highly recommended. others is just fine.
DO NOT order sarang-hae burger if you don't eat kimchi.
the cafe interior is nice sort of vintage. not bad, 6/10 

second destination: Tasik Cermin

We don't really plan this trip and just go for it because usually when we planned it, it is just not happening and yep. this is spontaneous trip. the thing is we don't know where to go and ended up spend most of our time in car. But you know when you're with your clique wherever it is whatever you do its just fun no matter what it is. After the longest discussion ever we choose to go here.

someone who loves nature or taking beautiful photos must come here it is super peaceful. since its a new attraction there's nothing much, just waze tasik cermin arrived, park and if I'm not mistaken there's a hill before you can find the cave entrance.its dark, we just use phones' flashlight not even a minute walk there's a lake behind it. I guess it was called tasik cermin because of the clear green colored water . its so refreshing great to chill and release stress. it might not be so fun  if there's so many people there because yeah it is just a small tiny place it can be serabut. so make sure you plan carefully. don't go during peak hour.

💬 didn't spend any money here except for the fuel to get here yep nothing much but its fun to be in the nature. we love this place, and we take so many picture its fun and kinda adventures resulting; 10/10 

That's all..
I thought of combining our last, last week trip together with this but its too long. didn't expect it to be this long just for 2 places. To sum up everything it was a fun day, going out with friends after stuck in university studying is the best way to release all that stress. catch up to what happened, laugh and play a lot. Our $$ is just for food and transportation its < 200$ for 4 person. 

I'm going to update the second trip soon! (more place + much cooler trip + improved & advaneced perak road trip than this trip) 

here's 57sec of video to sum up our first trip (might not available on mobile tho)

thanks for reading 💓
to be continued...
annyeong ✌